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  • What are your fees?
    Initial 15-20 minute phone consultation: free upon request 45-50 minute indvidual, parent, or family session: $140
  • Do you take insurance?
    I am not accepting any insurance coverage as payment currently but am an out-of-network provider with most major insurance companies. I can provide you with a receipt that has all necessary information you will need to file a claim for partial reimbursement from your insurance company. I do accept HSA cards as payment.
  • How do I choose a therapist?
    First, check that the therapist has all necessary licenses and credentials to ensure that they have all necessary skills, trainings, and relevant experience to help you and your family. Or get a referral by someone you know (or another professional) who can vouch for the therapist's credentials and helpfulness. Then schedule an initial consultation to see if they are a good match for you, not just in aligning with the therapeutic goals you want to set but also in personality. This may be a long-term relationship so make sure you feel heard and partnered from the very beginning! Remember, they may be the expert on child development, but you are the expert on your child.
  • What happens in therapy or coaching?
    Create a relationship built on understanding you (your child/family's) strengths, needs, history, challenges Set goals Get to work! (provide resources, education, support, consultation, observation, homework, feedback, discussion) Evaluate goals and set new goals if needed
  • How often do I need to come to therapy or coaching?
    From the very beginning, you remain in control over your time in counseling. Deciding how often to come into counseling is something that you and your therapist do together, taking into consideration unique factors like the presenting issues you started with and the specific goals you want to attain. Many people find that weekly individual and family sessions are most effective at charting progress. Parent coaching sessions are often helpful on an every other week or once monthly basis where you can take home the tools and resources learned in session, try them out, and come back ready to adjust and learn more.
  • Do you have any resources for parents?
    The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family by Karyn B. Purvis and David R. Cross and Wendy Lyons Sunshine The Connected Parent: Real-Life Strategies for Building Trust and Attachment by Lisa Qualls and Dr. Karyn Purvis Parenting with Theraplay®: Understanding Attachment and How to Nurture a Closer Relationship with Your Child by Helen Rodwell and Vivien Norris Integrative Parenting: Strategies for Raising Children Affected by Attachment Trauma by Debra Wesselmann , Cathy Schweitzer , Stefanie Armstrong Attachment in Common Sense and Doodles: A Practical Guide by Miriam Silver The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, Survive Everyday Parenting Struggles, and Help Your Family Thrive, by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D. Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain: An Inside-Out Guide to The Emerging Adolescent Mind, Ages 12 to 24, by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. Playful Parenting, by Lawrence J. Cohen The Opposite of Worry: The Playful Parenting Approach to Childhood Anxieties and Fears, by Lawrence J. Cohen I Love You Rituals, by Becky A. Bailey The Whole Parent: How To Become A Terrific Parent Even If You Didn’t Have One, by Debra Wesselmann Brain Development: http://www.albertafamilywellness.org/resources/video/how-brains-are-built-core-story-brain-development http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxStudioCityED-Daniel-Siegel Importance of engagement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apzXGEbZht0 Power of Play: http://www.ted.com/talks/stuart_brown_says_play_is_more_than_fun_it_s_vital?language=en Theraplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5IoEDHY-Y4 Attachment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02r3u59FRPU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxjfuPlArY TBRI: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCBW9RKLvTR5C46ey7gy3NuA
  • Disclosure notification for the No Surprise Act of 2021
    YOUR RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS AGAINST SURPRISE MEDICAL BILLS (OMB Control Number: 0938-1401) When you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from surprise billing or balance billing. What is “balance billing” (sometimes called “surprise billing”)? When you see a doctor or other health care provider, you may owe certain out-of-pocket costs, such as a copayment, coinsurance, and/or a deductible. You may have other costs or have to pay the entire bill if you see a provider or visit a health care facility that isn’t in your health plan’s network. “Out-of-network” describes providers and facilities that haven’t signed a contract with your health plan. Out-of-network providers may be permitted to bill you for the difference between what your plan agreed to pay and the full amount charged for a service. This is called “balance billing.” This amount is likely more than in-network costs for the same service and might not count toward your annual out-of-pocket limit. “Surprise billing” is an unexpected balance bill. This can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care - like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider. You are protected from balance billing for: Emergency services If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as copayments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition, unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balanced billed for these post-stabilization services. Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed. If you get other services at these in-network facilities, out-of-network providers can’t balance bill you unless you give written consent and give up your protections. You’re never required to give up your protection from balance billing. You also aren’t required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network. When balance billing isn’t allowed, you also have the following protections: You are only responsible for paying your share of the cost (like the copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles that you would pay if the provider or facility was in-network). Your health plan will pay out-of-network providers and facilities directly. Your health plan generally must: If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact: Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (800) 821-3205 Visit https://www.cms.gov/files/document/model-disclosure-notice-patient-protections-against-surprise-billing-providers-facilities-health.pdf for more information about your rights under Federal law.
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