Build a fort
Bake cookies
Make dinner together
Play games (search “free family games” on the internet for ideas for all ages)
Have a family talent show
Learn some fun yoga poses
Read books out loud
Put on a puppet show (make your own with socks and crafts) or play
Make up your own scavenger hunt
Set out craft supplies and make masks
Use sidewalk chalk to make the outdoor driveway a canvas
Print downloadable, free coloring pages
Start a windowsill or container garden
Draw a picture or write a letter to someone who is ill or isolating at home
Do some extra chores to earn money and donate it to an organization helping those most affected
Start a gratitude jar
Make a calming jar or worry doll
Play a board game
Work on a puzzle together
Blow bubbles outside
Play red light/green light and mirror/shadow/echo
Stay active to promote mental and physical health
Have specific reading/homework time (free learning printable online)
Encourage hobby time to promote autonomy and self-expression, even if they can’t get to their dance classes, etc. they can still practice with you at home
Encourage chore time to promote resiliency, autonomy, and challenge
Have plenty of unstructured and structured play time to promote engagement and creativity
Keep meal times/bed and wake up routines/screen times as you normally would have
Allow some monitored screen time if it connects them to friends (FaceTime)
REMEMBER…. Take care of yourself. Exercise, meditate, remain spiritual, call support people regularly, read a good book, laugh at all the hilarious memes, watch a good show on Netflix, listen to music, remember that the ladybugs and bees are coming out right now and go find one, breathe. All of this will pass. Hug your kids. Smile. And add your own note to their gratitude jar.